Calorie calculation

The rapid development of scientific knowledge in the field of weight loss is bearing fruit. More and more methods offer their new, radical views on the mechanisms of weight loss. Many of them criticize calorie counting, although this method was once considered the most important, accepted for almost all diets and used in many approaches.

Calories count for weight loss

How many calories should a person eat per day to lose weight? How to calculate calories per day? How do you determine your calorie intake if you know your weight and height? How important are these skills? Let's take a closer look at this in this article.

Why you need to count calories

The calorie calculation is based on the law of conservation of energy - one of the most important fundamental laws of nature. It always works and is therefore an important part of the most effective weight loss methods. Knowledge and understanding of this topic will help you effectively and successfully solve important issues related to weight loss and achieve the desired results.

From a biological perspective, a calorie is the amount of energy required to heat one gram of water by one degree Celsius under normal atmospheric conditions. This value is extremely small, so the calorie intake per day is calculated in a larger value - kilocalorie.

Not every person thinks about how much energy the body spends on completing everyday tasks. Scientists have found that the female body, on average, consumes about one and a half thousand kilocalories to maintain vital functions. This ensures breathing, heart rate, muscle tone, peristalsis, constant body temperature and other processes occurring in the body. For men this value is slightly higher and amounts to 1800 calories. This value has a special name – basal or basal metabolism. To determine it, special formulas or special devices are used – a body composition analyzer and a metabolograph.

The component is the main component, but there are other energy costs beyond that. Physical activity also burns calories. A leisurely walk consumes about 150 kilocalories per hour, while intense exercise can burn much more - up to 400-500. The calories consumed every day are used to maintain human life. All energy that the body does not use is stored. That is why, for effective and noticeable weight loss, it is necessary to create a daily energy deficit, the size of which should be approximately 500-700 calories. To achieve the desired effect, you can count calories yourself or use a ready-made menu.

Expert opinion

Considering that the basis for counting calories is the law of conservation of energy - a law of nature as fundamental as, for example, gravity - we can say that calories are outdated or inconvenient, just like gravity. Try throwing a pen or pencil over yourself - and everything will become clear. The laws of nature always work. They are the basis of all effective weight loss methods. Knowledge and understanding of these rules will help you effectively and successfully solve important problems, as well as problems related to weight loss. So what are calories?

1 calorie is the amount of energy required to heat 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius. This is a very small value, so calories are usually measured in thousands - kilocalories, kcal. A woman's body consumes about 1500 kcal daily to maintain vital functions (heart rate, breathing, muscle tone, peristalsis, body temperature and other processes), a man's body uses about 1800 kcal. The amount of energy the body uses to maintain life is called basal metabolism. To calculate this value more accurately, there are special devices - a body composition analyzer and a metabolograph.

This part of energy consumption is the most important, but not the only one. Physical activity also uses energy, but slightly less. For example, active sports such as swimming and cycling burn only 150-250 kcal of energy in 60 minutes, it all depends on the intensity of the workout. For noticeable weight loss, it is necessary to create an energy deficit of about 500-700 kcal from these numbers, i. e. and all its systems. And then you can act in two ways: count calories directly or introduce indirect calorie restriction through diet and diet selection.

Direct calorie counting requires some skill and persistence in the early stages, but for many people it works better than any weight loss diet. How do you count calories? To do this, you need to know the mass of the product (after weighing it on an electronic food scale), know the calorie content of the product per 100 grams, and also have paper, a pen, a calculator and a few minutes of time at your disposal.

So the process of weight loss is a change in the balance between energy consumed and energy consumed. The most direct, simplestand accessible to everyone, is to limit the calorie content of food by counting calories, which, when maintaining the correct calorie content, ensures fat loss in accordance with the law of conservation of energy. However, the direct calorie counting method also has disadvantages. Firstly, it says nothing about the feeling of satiety: for example, for the same figure of 1200 kcal a day you can be both very full and very hungry, it all depends on the diet, the products included 1200 kcal - that's two bars of chocolate orFive wholesome meals made from approved, healthy foods. Secondly, with an incorrectly chosen diet as part of a calorie-restricted diet, weight loss occurs, but this can be associated with health risks - for example, with a lack of protein in the diet, not only fat, but also muscle tissue can be lost. And third, you won't count calories for the rest of your life; after losing weight, you need to develop other mechanisms and habits to maintain that weight. For these and other reasons, calorie intake is a necessary, but not the only, aid in losing weight.

Calorie counting formulas

You can use the following two formulas to calculate your daily calorie intake for weight loss.

The Harris-Benedict formula was developed and introduced to people in 1919 by famous scientists Francis Gano Benedict and James Arthur Harris. There are two versions: for men and for women.

66 + [13. 7 x weight (kg)] + [5 x height (cm)] – [6. 76 x age (in years)] – for men;

655 + [9. 6 x weight (kg)] + [1. 8 x height (cm)] - [4. 7 x age (in years)] - for women.

This calculation formula may be incorrect for modern residents of the metropolis, since the research was carried out at the beginning of the last century. This nuance should be taken into account when calculating the number of calories, especially for people whose body mass index exceeds the established norm.

The Mifflin-San George formula was developed much later - at the end of the last century, in the 1990s. It is considered the most accurate and popular today.

Men – [9. 99 x weight (kg)] + [6. 25 x height (cm)] – [4. 92 x age (years)] + 5;

Women – [9. 99 x weight (kg)] + [6. 25 x height (cm)] – [4. 92 x age (years)] –161.

The formula takes into account the peculiarities of nutrition and other features of the modern world. However, the proportion of fat and muscle tissue is not taken into account.

Calorie counting algorithm for weight loss

The ability to correctly count calories consumed is the first step to a healthy, beautiful body. This technique has no restrictions on specific products. However, if you take the entire diet into account every day, it becomes clear that it is much better to eat a plate of meat salad than a small chocolate bar or some kind of confectionery product. Their calorie content is approximately the same, but their nutritional value is significantly different.

Calculating calorie intake is considered an effective way to lose weight and is included in many weight loss systems. This is explained by the following advantages:

  • This method offers a sensible nutritional approach without stress or serious restrictions. The body tolerates a new diet without any problems;
  • The ability to calculate the number of calories consumed allows you to choose a complete diet rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals, which distinguishes this technique from various types of diets and fasting.
  • Every person can independently determine how many calories they need to consume per day. For this purpose, there are special calorie calculators for losing weight on the Internet. This can be useful for those who do not have the opportunity to contact competent specialists or a weight loss clinic due to the remoteness of settlements from urban centers, various material restrictions and living conditions;
  • The calorie counter allows you to calculate your diet for free, include your favorite dishes and ensure compliance with the proportions of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

The calculation algorithm consists of three consecutive steps: calculation of the basal metabolic rate, determination of daily activity, calculation of the final result. Let's take a closer look at each one.

Step 1: Calculate your basal metabolic rate

First of all, one of the most convenient formulas for calculating basal metabolic rate should be used. Example: A 170 cm tall, 75 kg woman aged 36 should consume no less than:

655+9, 6×75+1, 8×170-4, 7×36=1512 kcal

This amount of energy will be enough to support life.

Step 2: Determine your daily activity

The resulting value of basal metabolism must be multiplied by the activity coefficient:

  • 1. 2 – low activity, complete avoidance of sport;
  • 1, 375 – sedentary lifestyle, light physical activity 1-2 times a week;
  • 1. 55 – average activity, sufficient load 2-4 times a week;
  • 1, 725 – active lifestyle, active work, training about 5 times a week;
  • 1, 9 – high activity, active work, daily active training.

Let's say a woman goes to the gym three times a week, then:

1512 kcal × 1. 55 = 2344 kcal

This value is the required daily norm. This is how many calories you need to consume per day.

Step 3: Calculate the final result

To get the final result, you need to subtract 500-700 kcal from the resulting value - this is exactly how much you need to eat per day to lose weight.

2344 – 500(700) = 1844 (1644) kcal – this is exactly the amount the body needs to start losing weight.

Practice shows that it is difficult to maintain the norm on a daily basis. Nutritionists suggest setting a minimum lower limit and a maximum upper limit. How to avoid mishaps: If you really want something forbidden, you can eat it. But the next day, slightly reduce the norm:

  • Upper limit: calorie norm + 100;
  • Lower limit: calorie norm – 200.

In addition, it is recommended to adhere to the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates:

  • Protein 10-25% of daily food;
  • Fats – 20-35%;
  • Carbohydrates – 45-65%.

These ratios can vary slightly depending on the specific goal: weight loss, weight gain, muscle growth.

Losing weight quickly and effectively at home is not difficult. Calorie counting reduces restrictions and allows you to enter your favorite foods. The main thing is to conscientiously keep a diary, write down every product eaten, every sugar cube. However, there is a special weight loss technique that is offered in weight loss clinics. It is based on an integrated approach, a combination of nutrition and psychology. This will help you achieve optimal results and effective weight loss.

Calorie tables

The calorie table of foods will help you prepare your daily diet. It contains basic products that usually form the basis of the diet. All other commercially purchased products have their calorie, protein, fat and carbohydrate content listed on the packaging.

Dairy products

Product (per 100g product) Proteins (g) fat (g) Carbohydrates (g) Energy value (kcal)
Dry cream 23. 0 42. 7 3/26 579, 0
milk powder 26. 0 25. 0 37, 5 476, 0
Skimmed milk powder 9/37 1, 0 49. 3 350, 0
Condensed milk with sugar 7. 2 8. 5 56, 0 320, 0
Cow's milk 3. 2 3. 6 5. 1 61, 0
Sour cream, 30% fat 2. 4 thirty, 3. 1 294, 0
Fatty cottage cheese 14. 0 18, 8/2 232, 0
Cream, 20% fat 8/2 20. 0 4. 5 206, 0
Cream, 10% fat 8/2 10. 0 4. 8 118, 0
Full-fat kefir 8/2 3, 0 3. 6 56, 0
Hard cheese 23. 0 29. 0 0, 0 360, 0
"Dutch" cheese 26. 0 8/26 0, 0 352, 0
Cheese "Poshekhonsky" 26. 0 5/26 0, 0 350, 0
processed cheese 22. 0 27. 0 0, 0 340, 0
Brynza 9/17 1/20 0, 0 260, 0
Unsalted butter 0. 5 82, 5 0. 8 748, 0
Ice cream 3. 3 10. 0 1/20 179, 0
Milk margarine 0, 3 82, 0 1, 0 743, 0
Mayonnaise "Provençal" 8/2 70, 0 2. 6 624, 0

Bread and cereals

Product (per 100g product) Proteins (g) fat (g) Carbohydrates (g) Energy value (kcal)
Wheat flour, whole grain 10. 3 1, 0 69, 0 334, 0
Millet groats 5/11 3. 3 67. 2 348, 0
buckwheat 12. 6 3. 2 54. 3 335, 0
Rice groats 7, 0 1, 0 73, 2 330, 0
semolina 10. 3 1, 0 67, 7 328, 0
Barley groats 10. 00 1. 30 66, 31 324. 00
Pearl barley 9. 3 1. 1 67, 5 320, 0
Groats "Hercules" 11. 0 6. 2 49. 2 305, 0
oatmeal 11. 0 6. 1 9/49 303. 0
Wheat bread, whole grain 7. 9 0. 8 50. 1 238, 0
Rye bread 6. 6 1. 2 8/41 181, 0
Sugar cookies 7. 5 8/11 74, 4 436, 0
Cream crackers 8. 5 8/10 69, 6 398, 0
Pasta, V. S. 10. 4 1. 1 74, 9 337, 0
Butter rolls 7/6 5. 2 56, 8 295, 0
Bread 7/7 3, 0 53. 3 235, 0
Yeast 7/12 2/7 0, 0 75, 3

vegetables and fruits

Product (per 100g product) Proteins (g) fat (g) Carbohydrates (g) Energy value (kcal)
Green peas 5, 0 0, 2 8/13 73, 0
Ground tomatoes 1. 1 0, 2 5, 0 23. 0
Potato 2, 0 0, 4 1/18 80, 0
aubergine 1. 2 0, 1 6. 9 24. 0
White cabbage 8/1 0, 2 6. 8 27. 0
sauerkraut 8/1 0, 0 3. 2 19. 0
Onion bulbs 1. 4 0, 0 10. 4 41, 0
Green onion 1. 3 0, 0 5. 2 19. 0
Garlic 6. 5 0, 0 6, 0 46, 0
carrot 1. 3 0, 1 7. 9 30. 0
Cucumbers 0. 8 0, 1 8/3 14. 0
Cucumbers 0. 8 0, 1 2. 3 13. 0
pepper 1. 3 0, 0 7. 2 27. 0
radish 9/1 0, 2 8, 0 35, 0
turnip 1. 3 0, 0 3. 1 27. 0
radish 1. 2 0, 1 8/3 21. 0
salad 1. 5 0, 2 3. 1 17. 0
Beetroot 1. 5 0, 1 8/12 42, 0
pumpkin 1, 0 0, 1 5. 9 25. 0
spinach 9/2 0, 3 2. 5 22. 0
Pears 0, 4 0, 3 9/10 49, 0
Apples 0, 4 0, 4 8/11 45, 0
Peaches 0, 3 0, 1 11. 3 43, 0
Apricots 0. 9 0, 1 8/10 41, 0
Oranges 0. 9 0, 2 10. 3 40, 0
Watermelon 0. 7 0, 2 7. 9 38, 0
melon 0, 6 0, 0 10. 3 38, 0
Grapefruits 0. 9 0, 2 10. 3 35, 0
Strawberries 0. 8 0, 4 11. 2 34, 0

Dried fruits and beans

Product (per 100g product) Proteins (g) fat (g) Carbohydrates (g) Energy value (kcal)
Dried apricots 3. 3 62, 6 8/30 241, 0
raisin 2. 5 78, 4 5/16 296, 0
Events 2. 4 75, 0 5/20 282, 0
Plums 2. 3 65, 6 25. 0 264, 0
Figs 3. 3 63, 8 30. 0 249, 0
Dried apples 3. 2 68, 0 20. 0 273, 0
Dried pears 2. 3 62, 6 20. 0 249, 0
Dried peaches 3, 0 68, 5 18. 0 274, 0
Peas 54, 8 0, 1 8. 5 298, 0
Chickpeas 54. 2 1/20 5, 0 328, 6
soybeans 9/34 3/17 3/17 364, 0
Beans 21. 0 2, 0 47, 0 298, 0


Product (per 100g product) Proteins (g) fat (g) Carbohydrates (g) Energy value (kcal)
pork meat 7/11 33. 3 0, 0 491, 0
beef 5/18 16. 0 0, 0 218, 0
mutton 6/15 3/16 0, 0 209. 0
Rabbit meat 1/21 15. 0 0, 0 183, 0
Beef liver 9/17 3/7 0, 0 105, 0
Beef heart 16. 0 8/2 0, 0 86, 0
Stew with pork 9/14 2/32 0, 0 349, 0
Beef ragout 8/16 16. 0 0, 0 220, 0
Chicken 2/18 4/18 0. 7 241, 0


Product (per 100g product) Proteins (g) fat (g) Carbohydrates (g) Energy value (kcal)
Amateur sausage 3/17 39, 0 0, 0 420, 0
Semi-smoked sausage 5/16 63, 6 0, 0 376, 0
Milk sausages 11. 0 8/22 1. 6 266, 0
Doctor's sausage 8/12 2/22 1. 5 257, 0
Sausage different. separate 11. 0 21. 0 0, 0 240, 0


Product (per 100g product) Proteins (g) fat (g) Carbohydrates (g) Energy value (kcal)
Raw chicken egg 7/12 5/11 0. 7 157, 0
Melange 9/12 11. 6 0. 8 160, 0
protein 5/10 0, 0 1, 0 50, 0
egg yolk 7/16 8/30 1. 7 358, 0

fish and seafood

Product (per 100g product) Proteins (g) fat (g) Carbohydrates (g) Energy value (kcal)
Cod liver (pickled in oil) 4. 20 65, 70 1, 20 613, 0
Salmon 23. 0 12. 0 0, 0 206, 0
shrimp 9/18 2. 2 0, 0 95, 0
Pollock 6/17 1, 0 0, 0 79, 0
perch 9/19 3. 6 0, 0 112, 0
Salmon 20. 0 8. 3 0, 0 153, 0
tuna 26. 0 1, 0 0, 0 115, 0
cod liver oil) 16. 0 0, 6 0, 0 136, 0
Stocker 5/18 4. 5 0, 0 114, 0
Octopus 18. 0 4. 2 0, 0 110, 0
Sardines in oil (canned) 16. 0 7/17 0, 0 223, 0
Mackerel Blancheer. In oil 1/13 1/25 0, 0 278, 0
Flounder in tomato (canned) 12. 6 5. 4 6, 0 125, 0


Product (per 100g product) Proteins (g) fat (g) Carbohydrates (g) Energy value (kcal)
jam 0, 4 0, 2 74, 5 286, 0
waffles 8. 2 8/19 53. 1 425, 0
Hematogenous 6. 2 8/2 75, 5 352, 0
marshmallow 0. 7 0 75, 5 295, 0
iris 3. 1 7/7 81. 2 384, 0
jam 0, 0 0, 2 77. 1 289, 0
Honey 0, 6 0, 0 80, 5 312, 0
Sugar 0, 2 0, 0 99, 6 377, 0