Diet Minus 60 proper nutrition, permitted and prohibited foods

Diet helps you lose weight

According to Ekaterina, the trigger for starting the diet was the frightening numbers on the scales - more than 120 kg. After trying all available methods and analyzing their advantages and disadvantages, the girl developed her own nutritional system, which is now called the "Minus 60 kg" diet for lazy people. Her example served as an excellent motivation for almost 3 million users. With KatyasCouncil also managed to start a new life.

Diet minus sixty

Millions of women around the world start every morning with the hope of starting a new life, losing weight, becoming slim and desirable. Unfortunately, only a small percentage of them actually achieve their goal. Unfortunately, the rest is held back by a poorly developed will, fear or self-doubt. According to nutritionists, the problem for most people is that they simply cannot choose the right nutritional vector and, most importantly, cannot motivate themselves enough to achieve the desired goal.

Principles of the "Minus 60" diet:

  1. Surprisingly, anything goes in this food system. That is, absolutely everything: cakes, sausages, cheese, chocolate, lard. There is one big but: all of this must be eaten before 12 p. m. ! This means that you can eat a heavy and unhealthy meal in the morning only to shake it all off again in the evening. Many will scream in horror or smile in contempt, because you can't lose weight like that! But Ekaterina Mirimanova claims that bans are more harmful than fatty foods. Knowing that sausages are taboo, you will get up at night and eat only them.
  2. The last meal should be eaten three hours before bedtime. Roughly speaking, if you go to bed at 11 p. m. , a light dinner is possible at 8 p. m. , but later is not recommended. The sooner the body digests food and rests, the better the results.
  3. Physical activity is required. Nobody forces you to spend hours in the gym, but basic exercises at home are a must. Daily exercise not only speeds up metabolism, but also increases skin elasticity.

Katya Mirimanova's diet does not give instant results. To feel and see changes, you have to try and, most importantly, believe in yourself. By the way, the motivating moment occupies almost a central place in Catherine's books. After all, she went through this herself: fear that nothing will work out, self-doubt, lack of support from others, etc. So before delving into the nutritional system, it is worth devoting a separate chapter to the phase of preparing the body and yourself for thefuture changes.

Psychological preparation

Today, in addition to books and lectures, several groups have emerged on the Internet whose participants adhere to the "Diet minus 60".

The system received mixed reactions from professional nutritionists. Some accused the author of being unsystematic, lacking medical research, and generally not recommending this approach to weight loss. Other experts reacted quite positively to the diet and saw it as simply a revision and a slightly different interpretation of already known methods.

Author of the minus 60 diet

But what really sets Katya Mirimanova's system apart is the real-world example and the excellent motivational tips. The woman herself experienced all the horrors of a shapeless body and was able to formulate important tips for psychological adaptation. Author's recommendations:

  1. Don't wait for "tomorrow"! It won't come unless you want it. Many expect motivation from outside, but no one except the person himself can give a kick to his laziness and lack of initiative.
  2. Don't lose weight for anyone or anything. It's about your health and your body. First of all, you should be interested in reducing that terrible number on the scale.
  3. Remember that no task is impossible. You don't have to think that I already weigh 100 kg, I will never be slim at 50-60 kg. Everything is possible! The body is made of plasticine, with the right commands it will obey and change under your leadership.
  4. Check the time, always look at the clock. Proper planning allows you to not only train the body, but also adjust your life and work.
  5. Be prepared that the results will not be visible immediately; Healthy weight loss takes between 2 months and 1. 5 years, depending on your weight. Only under this condition will the kilograms not return in a few weeks.
  6. Don't blame yourself or scold yourself for minor mishaps or unexpected weight gain. Remember that you should always have a positive attitude; negative emotions worsen your mood and can ruin all previous attempts.

Externally, Ekaterina Mirimanova's "Diet -60" is similar to the principles of proper nutrition, with the exception of some points, such as the ability to eat flour, sweets and fatty foods.

The absence of bans is relative, because this rule only applies in the morning, strictly speaking until 12 p. m. But as it turns out, such a small gap has a positive impact. We go to bed hungry, but with the thought that tomorrow morning we will eat something tasty and this will in no way affect the course of the diet. It was this factor that significantly influenced the success of all of Catherine's supporters.

Reorganization of the energy system

At the beginning of the "Diet -60" by Ekaterina Mirimanova, remember that your lifestyle will have to change radically. Habits formed over the years will have to be rebuilt, and some will have to be eliminated altogether. Only the first month will be difficult. According to psychologists, it takes about 21 days for a person to get used to a phenomenon, this also applies to diet.

Discipline in nutrition

You need to start the diet gradually so that the change in your diet and habits does not become a shock to the body. Here the author has provided several techniques:

  1. First of all, you need to systematize and understand the existing food system. That is, write down all meals every day, preferably indicating the weight of the portions and the time allotted for eating. After a week, analyze the recordings. Sometimes we don't even know what actually goes into our mouths. And visual information will help you remove excess food and, most importantly, build a new nutritional system.
  2. The diet should be changed gradually. Replace one product every day or consistently shift meal times from the evening to an earlier time. For example, today you ate sausages and an omelet for breakfast, drank coffee and sugar, and for lunch you had a bowl of soup with mashed potatoes and salad with mayonnaise. Tomorrow you can replace the first course with a piece of chicken fillet with the same salad and leave the morning meal the same. On the third day, add oatmeal, granola or something else.
  3. Introduce physical exercise gradually. You can start with squats, arm swings, and planks, add a new exercise every day or week, and increase the tempo of the exercises you already know.

One of the most important tips for those who have decided on Ekaterina Mirimanova's "diet minus 60" is not to set such serious goals as losing 30, 40 kg. It is not the numbers that matter, but the overall condition. You should strive to get rid of excess weight, which has a harmful effect on the entire body. For some, it is enough to get rid of only 5-10 kg in order to feel well-being and harmony with themselves. It is recommended to set the goal in 6 stagesto divide: First I want to lose 5 kg, once that's already done, I'm aiming for 7 kg, etc.

The most important rules of the "Minus 60" diet

On the Internet, next to the description of Katya Mirimanova's diet, there is always a note that you can eat anything in this system. But this statement is only partially true. Everything is possible, but in certain quantities and at a precisely defined time.

Here are 5 main rules for successful weight loss:

  1. From 7 a. m. to 12 p. m. you can eat fried, salty, floury and sweet foods, with the exception of milk chocolate (which should be replaced with dark chocolate). That is, you can easily boil yourself two eggs or a few sausages or make a sandwich, but when everything is together, it is better to divide the intake into 2-3 times.
  2. But nothing fried is allowed for lunch. Only baked, boiled or grilled foods. Until 2 p. m. , a teaspoon of sour cream may be used instead of the sauce. The menu "Diet -60" by Ekaterina Mirimanova provides for the separate consumption of proteins and carbohydrates. This means that you should not eat a portion of fish or meat with pasta, buckwheat or potatoes. Such a meal in the stomach will take twice as long and lessefficiently digested. You can supplement the menu with fruits.
  3. The afternoon snack and dinner should contain even fewer calories. Choose meat, fish with vegetables or rice/buckwheat with the same vegetables, but do not mix grains with proteins. Fruits are also allowed.
Foods on a diet

The diet is therefore based on the principle of an inverted pyramid. The day begins with heavy, high-calorie foods and ends with light, stomach-friendly foods. The main thing is not to take a horizontal position after each meal, as the body works worse in a resting position and digestion may even lead to heartburn.

10 steps to your ideal weight

For the "diet minus 60" you do not need an additional fast of 1-2 days; you do not limit yourself, but change your diet so that the body can work properly and gradually get rid of excess fat deposits. The diet teaches the most important thing: monitoringYour actions, analyze and control your diet. Important steps on the way to a slim body:

  1. Never skip breakfast. Firstly, anything tasty is allowed in the morning, including sausage and sweets. Secondly, the body functions much better in the first few hours of the day when it is rested. Third, put yourself in the right mindset during the busiest time of the day.
  2. If you have a passionate sweet tooth and can't do without sugar in tea or a piece of cake, you don't have to torture yourself. Drink hot drinks with replacement before 12 p. m. , reducing the portion methodically and gradually. Alcohol during the diet is allowed in reasonable quantities, dry wine.
  3. You can have chocolate, but only dark chocolate, in no case milk chocolate, this composition is very difficult to break down and provides extra grams even during the day.
  4. Of all the grains, choose rice as a side dish, first steamed, then wild or brown. It is better to eat buckwheat for lunch, not dinner.
  5. Surprisingly, bread is also allowed, but only before 12 p. m. and in small quantities.
  6. Potatoes and pasta are also allowed and even recommended, but only before 12 p. m. or during the lunch break until 2 p. m. It is better to eat such side dishes alone or with vegetables, but not with meat or fish. It is also necessary to exclude these foods from your dinner.
  7. Dinner should be at 5 p. m. at the earliest and 6 p. m. at the latest. As a night owl, the last meal can ideally be eaten at 8 p. m. , but something light, such as cottage cheese, salad with yogurt dressing.
  8. But when it comes to water, Ekaterina Mirimanova takes a different point of view than other nutritionists. She doesn't force her followers to drink a certain amount of water. His principle: If you want, drink, if you don't want to, don't.
  9. When cooking, consider the weight, size and calorie content of the portion. If it's perhaps a plate of omelette and sandwich in the morning, then a small plate of salad with a light dressing is enough for dinner.
  10. Fried foods can only be eaten until 12 p. m. ; the rest of the time we cook, steam and bake everything.
Fruit and sweets on a diet

Mirimanova's "Diet -60" has deservedly gained great popularity. The author herself has become an excellent role model for hundreds of thousands of women. It is enough to look at numerous albums with before and after photos to understand that the systemworks and delivers real results.

Sample menu

The main factor of Ekaterina Mirimanova's method is the lack of clear boundaries. This also applies to the list of permitted foods. It is practically unlimited, there are only certain rules for food intake.

Approximate Mirimanova diet menu for the week:









Mashed potatoes with chicken + bread and a cup of coffee

Baked or steamed vegetables with chicken + coffee or tea

Macaroni and cheese + tea + bread

Porridge with milk (preferably oatmeal) + tea with milk and bread

Omelette + sandwich with cheese or smoked sausage, coffee

Scrambled eggs from 2 eggs + banana and tea

Omelette + yogurt, tea with sugar


250 g boiled or baked potatoes, carrot salad with yogurt dressing or low-calorie mayonnaise

Baked pork with rice + cabbage salad

200 – 300 g chicken fillet with vegetables + coleslaw

Pasta + tomato slices

Steamed fish and a portion of buckwheat porridge

Chicken hearts stewed in sour cream, vegetables

Fish + fresh vegetable salad


Salad of tomatoes, cucumbers with natural yogurt

Baked fish

Cottage cheese and any fruit

Steamed or baked vegetables, yogurt

100-150 g cabbage rolls

Kefir and baked apple

100 g of dietary jellied meat

You don't have to choose a diet, you don't have to make serious decisions or follow strict recommendations. The author of the method insists that everything should happen in a positive way, as if by magic. A woman needs to eat, work and at the same time change in a positive direction.

Physical movement

Even though the "minus 60 diet" is commonly referred to as "lazy", you still have to work hard to achieve an ideal figure. Daily exercise improves metabolism, strengthens the immune system and makes the skin elastic, which is very important when losing weight. Furthermore, in physical education it is not about intensity and high levels of stress, but rather about systematicity and regularity. What activities are recommended when changing your diet:

Recommended exercise set "Diet -60":

  1. Swing your legs with the emphasis on a chair. 15-20 times on one side and the other.
  2. Cat pose. Standing on outstretched arms and on your knees, bend all the way forward, return to the starting position and so on 10-15 times.
  3. Press with your feet resting on the chair seat. Raise your upper body with your hands behind your head at least 20 times, increasing the pace each time.
  4. Swing your legs up while kneeling and arms outstretched. 20-25 times per leg.
  5. Scissor jumps.
  6. Start planking with 20 seconds and increase the time each day.

A good habit is to go to the gym. 2-3 visits a week along with a properly structured diet give real results within a month.

But you don't have to start doing exercises right away. The author claims that you yourself will feel when the time has come to start physical activity. The body itself will require more work on itself.

Diet exercises

Skin care

Surprisingly, most women experience a subconscious fear of dieting due to possible sagging skin. This effect is natural as only the fat layer is removed. But with the right approach, frightening wrinkles can easily be avoided.

In Ekaterina Mirimanova's "Minus 60" diet, an entire paragraph is devoted to this phenomenon. Here are the tips that the author considers useful:

  1. natural masks based on organic substances, for example mumiyo or various muds;
  2. With a good anti-wrinkle cream, the face in particular is subject to changes.
  3. Massage the face with your fingers or do facial exercises.

When losing weight, you need to take a vitamin complex to maintain the strength of the body and the health of the skin, nails and hair.


Although "Diet -60" was developed by a woman and for women, today it is no less popular among men. However, it is more difficult for the stronger sex to change their habits and not spend the evening with leisurely watching the news coupled with a delicious dinner, but to spend it on physical activity, a walk or other activities that distract from food. But, oddly enough, this particular nutritional system corresponded to the tastes of men, so in thematic groups you can find a lot of flattering reviews about their diet.

Katya Mirimanova's "Minus 60" diet is available to everyone, regardless of income and living conditions. Almost every resident of our country can afford such a menu and, most importantly, allocate 40-50 minutes for physical exercise. You can in the company of other peoplelose weight; simply look for self-help groups on the Internet and in social networks. Here you can share your successes and perhaps motivate someone to make a change.


Mirimanova's "Diet minus 60" received positive reviews precisely because of the versatility of the method. You don't have to be a strong and strong-willed person just to pay attention to your diet and follow simple tips.

For whom this power system is not recommended:

  1. have severe chronic diseases of the heart, kidneys and other vital organs;
  2. for oncology, diabetes;
  3. people with epilepsy;
  4. in diseases of the nervous system.
  5. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should also consult a doctor.
healthy eating on a diet

You shouldn't expect instant results from the minus 60 diet. Ekaterina Mirimanova's nutritional system ensures the gradual adaptation of the body to the required rhythm of work. This can take several months or several years. But the results of such work on yourself last much longer. Almost all of Catherine's followers not only achieved significant weight loss, but also stabilized their weight at a certain level.