author Alberto



  • Anna Johansson's 6 Petal Diet is a sequentially alternating protein-carbohydrate food chain. Products, menu for every day, way out of the diet.
    26 November 2023
  • Is it possible to lose 10 kg per month, general rules, TOP 10 diets, restrictions and contraindications, exercise, how to lose 10 kg per month, proper nutrition minus 10 kg per month, the essence of losing weight.
    9 January 2021
  • What kind of exercise is best for weight loss. So far, debate about it, what sets is better: Cardio or strength training.
    3 March 2020
  • Thinness has long been the Standard of beauty and youth among the modern women. Girls who want to have a slender body, are divided into 2 categories: the supporters of the diet (the tough), and activists, the feed properly.
    23 December 2019